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Graham Slee "Green" ERA GOLD REFLEX Phono Preamp - MM & HI MC |
Graham Slee Preamplification Phono Preamp Stages, Headphone Amplifiers and Interconnects |
I got a "Green" ERA GOLD REFLEX Phono
Preamp - my impressions
...... ...... more coming soon! ....... it's burning in now ...... |
Equipment: Revox B790 with Goldring G 1042 / "Greeen Reflex" / "Green" Solo / AKG K701 |
After 24 hours: A very detailled sound, good micro dynamic, soft cymbals "tssss" very lifelike, deep bass from organ, massive drumbeat, .... |
Pictures from "Green" ERA GOLD REFLEX Phono Preamp (and Solo, AKG K701 too) |
Music I heared |
Chuck Mangione "Children of Sanchez" Ulla Meinecke "Wenn nicht für immer dann wenigsten für ewig" Miles Davis "You're under arrest" Karl Richter "J.S.Bach: Toccata & Fuge" Sir Georg Solti, Chicago Symphony Orchestra "Also sprach Zarathustra" Simon Rattle, Philharmonia Orchestra "The Planets" - Holst |
Forums - more about "Reflex" Rock Grotto Forum - Graham Slee Projects |
Graham Slee Turntable And Headphone Audio Graham Slee Phono-Stage Preamps Headphone Amplifiers and Interconnects Looking for an outstanding phono-stage preamp or headphone amplifier? "Add your comment here" |
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My current WNA MK II Headphone Amp project |
DIY Cables |
My current CD 650 tuning project |
DIY Tips |
Graham Slee "green Solo" Headphone Amp |
Graham Slee "Green" ERA GOLD REFLEX Phono Preamp |
Tuning Revox Turntable B790 |
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Farbcode für Widerstände 4 - Berechnung Farbcode Widerstand
Widerstandstabelle Farb Code Ringe - sengpielaudio |
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