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My impressions about Graham Slee "Solo" Headphone Amp
Meine Eindrücke über Graham Slee "Solo" Kopfhörer Verstärker 
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Graham Slee "green Solo" Headphone Amp
Graham Slee Preamplification Phono Preamp Stages, Headphone Amplifiers and Interconnects
I got a "Green" Solo - my impressions ......

Now the Solo have past the burning in - the bass are very deep now and the sound are very detailed.
The combination "Green" Solo, Headphone AKG K701, CD/SACD player Marantz K7001 KI are one of the best that you can get with this price!


Solo toped the WMA MKII (not the original - only with a BG 1000uF in output and OPA602)
WNA MK II Headphone Amp

But the
Solo had view burning in time and the electrolytic caps must formed too.

Hearing impressions:
Roger Waters - Amused to Death - perfect sense
WNA a bit more deep bass (after burning in the same deep bass), but darker than
Solo, Solo more liveness
PF - Final Cut - track 6 paranoid eyes
Solo background sound a bit more realistic "shuffling (razing, grinding) shoes", speaking, laughing in pub, ...
track 9 Southampton dock -
Solo - the guitars a bit brighter, metalized
track 10 two sun .. the tsss tsss from the beat are better with
Hubert von Goisern - wie die Zeit vergeht - track 7
"Wia die Zeit vergeht" - suuuper

track 16 "Kren oder Speck" - from 4:00 to 9:30 the beat
Solo are - in german "knallhart" (uncompromising, really tough ) - tock tock are good
Quincy Jones - back on the Block
track 2, 7, 9 are a great sound!
Paul Simon - Graceland
track 8 homeless - my hackles rise one and I got a gooseflesh
Archi Shepp & Jasper van't Hof - live
Mama Rose

track 1 Contracts (free jazz) - I heared what the man says/cry's
.... one tell me about this play - a man standing on the bridge and want to end his live and jumping in the water - before he cried his pains out - when Archi plays his saxophone you can hear what this man's cry - a play to get gooseflesh
Eva Cassidy - Live At Blues Alley

track 1 Cheek to Cheek
brass more realistic, brighter (WNA not so clear)
"fetzt so richtig"

track 3 Bridge over Troubled Water
track 5 People get Ready
track 8 Fields of Gold
Audio - Pure Music 3 - Classic
track 5 Ludwig v. Beethoven Sinf. No. 2
PF, Final Cut, track 1 / superb - I can hear the different clink's of the nickel's or penny's with Solo

Mr. Graham Slee - you have well done a good job!

some other - the white are a hybrid SACD from Japanese CODO drums - heared - please see pictures

Headphone AKG K701, CD/SACD player Marantz K7001 KI
My green Solo modification:
metal can OPA LME49720HA instead of the original AD823.

metal can OPA LME49720HA instead of the AD823
Now I had tested LT1057ACN8 too and run now LME49860NA. LME49860NA is a DIP ‘sister‘ of the LME49720HA.
LME49860NA (and LME49720HA too) offers the best as Solo with this given schema and parts ever could.
This modified Solo is equal to the modified WNA MKII (with AD797).
Pictures from "green Solo"
Some music I heared
In Forums - about "Solo"
Rock Grotto Forum - Graham Slee Projects
2008 Green Solo by Graham Slee In The House! - Head-Fi Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
Graham Slee Turntable And Headphone Audio
Graham Slee Phono-Stage Preamps Headphone Amplifiers and Interconnects

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Last modified: 10. February 2019 16:14:52.

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